1. 当然,我是说连同剑鞘一起的话。
With the scabbard, of course.


2. 剑鞘甘愿粗钝,它保护着利剑的锋刃。
The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the Keenness of the sword .


3. 结论剑鞘气管是较重的copd的标志。
Conclusion Saber sheath trachea is a sign of rather severe COPD.


4. 大个子把剑收回剑鞘
The big man slipped his sword back in its sheath.


5. 拔出从剑鞘或枪套中或仿佛从剑鞘或枪套中拔出。
To draw from or as if from a sheath or scabbard.


6. 目的研究剑鞘气管与慢性阻塞性肺疾病之间的关系。
Objective To investigate the relationship between saber sheath trachea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


7. 3剑鞘保护剑的锋利,自己却满足于它自己的迟钝。
Thee scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the word.


8. 当剑鞘保护剑刃的锋利之时,却满足于自身的驽钝。
The scabborrd is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.


9. 他从剑鞘里拔出歌利亚的剑,把这个巨人的头切了下来。
He pulled Goliath's sword from its sheath and cut off the giant's head.


10. 每次,剑和剑鞘都被送了回来,回到它们被制造的地方。
Each time, the sword and scabbard came back to me, drawn to the place of their making.


11. 我将会把剑给他,连同剑鞘,也许他可以很好地使用它们。
I will give him the sword, the scabbard too, and may he use them well.


12. 亚瑟看见湖心有一只胳膊伸出水,握着一把剑,剑鞘华丽。
In the middle of the lake, Arthur saw an arm. The arm was holding a sword in a beautiful scabbard.


13. 其他剑,刀,长矛和类似的武器及其零件(包括刀鞘、剑鞘)。
Other swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof and scabbards and sheaths therefor.


14. 剑鞘以动物战斗的场面为装饰,一世纪,由木材,皮革,黄金和绿松石制造。
Sheath decorated with a scene of animals fighting, 1st century, wood, leather, gold, and turquoise.


15. 裘诺斯•布雷肯从她身上滚了下来,伸手去抓剑鞘,结果只抓到了金属的剑刃。
Jonos Bracken rolled off her, grabbed for his scabbard, and came up with naked steel in hand, cursing.


16. 闲来无事,用钢锯条做刀剑。木做剑鞘刀鞘,包真皮,寿山石和黄杨木做的装具。
I'm free and make a sword by hacksaw, a scabbard by wood, with corium covered on, and fittings by Shoushan stone and boxwood.


17. 剑鞘气管的形成是由于慢性咳嗽所致气管软骨环的损伤、重塑型和营养不良性骨化。
The formation of saber sheath trachea is caused by the injury of the tracheal cartilage due to chronic coughing, resulting in remodeling and dystrophic ossification of the cartilage.


18. 我将他们的头发编成了剑鞘,在相临的两次破晓之间,它的佩带者会拥有一百条生命。
From their hair I wove the scabbard that would give the wearer a hundred lives between dawn of one day and dawn the next.


19. 亚瑟跟随梅林来到一个清澈的湖边。亚瑟看见湖心有一只胳膊伸出水,握着一把剑,剑鞘华丽。
Arthur followed Merlin to a lake of clear water. In the middle of the lake, Arthur saw an arm. The arm was holding a sword in a beautiful scabbard.


20. 因为利剑能够磨破剑鞘,灵魂也把胸膛磨得够受,这颗心呵,它得停下来呼吸,爱情也得有歇息的时候。
For the sword outwears its sheath, And the soul outwears the breast, And the heart must pause to breathe, And love itself have rest.


21. 剑柄是金铸的,还配有剑鞘和佩剑用的腰带,以及一切用剑必备的东西,而且剑的尺寸和重量对彼得也正合适。
The hilt of the sword was of gold and it had a sheath and a sword belt and everything it needed, and it was just the right size and weight for Peter to use.


22. 在她姿容艳丽的韶华岁月,象许多人那样,他爱她就象爱慕或者就是“赞美”一柄藏著利剑的珠光宝气的华丽剑鞘
He loved her in the prime of her beauty, as many did, like loving, or "admiring" rather, a jewelled scabbard in which a sword was hidden.


23. 在她姿容艳丽的韶华岁月,象许多人那样,他爱她就象爱慕或者就是“赞美”一柄藏著利剑的珠光宝气的华丽剑鞘
He loved her in the prime of her beauty, as many did, like loving, or "admiring" rather, a jewelled scabbard in which a sword was hidden.
