1. 总统出行均有武装卫队保驾。
The President always travels with an armed guard.


2. 车主们被要求减少出行
Car owners were asked to cut down travel.


3. 你将不得不乔装出行
You'll have to travel in disguise.


4. 我们受到忠告,在这种条件下不要冒险出行
We've been advised not to risk travelling in these conditions.


5. 每次她坐公共汽车出行时,至少要耽搁3个小时。
Every time she travels on the bus it's delayed by at least three hours.


6. 她负责安排新闻报道团在总统竞选期间的出行事宜。
She handled travel arrangements for the press corps during the presidential campaign.


7. 他竭力筹备好各项事宜,以便这次出行看上去像联合国代表团出访一样。
He tried to organize things so that the trip would be dressed up as a UN mission.


8. 如今,随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,越来越多的中国人包括许多农民和外出务工人员都能乘飞机出行
Nowadays, with the development of China's economy and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more Chinese people, including many farmers and migrant workers, can travel by air.


9. 绝望驱使她鼓起勇气,做出行动。
She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation.


10. 这次出行被认为是成功的。
The tour was adjudged a success.


11. 我觉得最好不要作出行动。
I felt it advisable to do nothing.


12. 如果你想在伦敦快速出行,最好是乘地铁。
If you want to get around London fast, the Underground is your best bet.


13. 他宁愿乘坐地铁出行而不愿乘坐豪华加长轿车。
He prefers travelling on the subway to riding in a limousine.


14. 他出行探险去了。
He set off in quest of adventure.


15. 在不到一代的时间里,飞行已成为许多旅行者的出行方式。
Within a generation, flight has become the method used by many travellers.


16. 大多数人乘坐城市的地铁出行
Most people use the city's subway to get around.


17. 我是个商人,经常乘火车出行
I am a business man and travel a lot by train.


18. 电子票既省时,又可提高出行效率。
E-tickets save time and improve travel efficiency.


19. 青岛胶州湾跨海大桥使人们出行更加便捷。
Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge over the sea helps people travel conveniently.


20. 在与读者交流时,他们可以学习并做出行动。
They can learn and act when they communicate with readers.


21. 15年前人们坐火车出行纸质票是必需的吗?
Were paper tickets necessary when people travelled by train 15 years ago?


22. 这里没有公交车和火车,所以没有汽车就很难出行
There are no buses or trains here, so it can be difficult to get around without a car.


23. 尽管人们已经知道全球变暖很久了,但却迟迟不做出行动。
Although we've known about global warming (全球变暖) for a long time, people have been slow to respond to it.


24. 你可能无法在没有压力的情况下迅速跳出行车道。
You may not be able to jump out of the car's way soon enough without the stress.


25. 共享自行车可以帮助人们在城市中自由出行,不会产生污染。
Shared bikes can help people travel around freely in cities without pollution.


26. 以环保的方式出行,如乘公共汽车、地铁或骑自行车。
Go out in environment—friendly ways such as by bus, by subway or by bike.


27. 它们协助官员检查出行李或邮件中的非法水果、蔬菜和其他食物。
They make officers notice illegal fruits, vegetables, and other foods in luggage or in mail.


28. 在一次严重的车祸后,菲莉西亚不得不习惯坐着轮椅出行
After a serious car accident, Felicia had to get used to getting around in a wheelchair.


29. 我记得有一天我们乘坐公共汽车出行,我坐了下来,而其他人都站着。
I remember one day when we were travelling on a bus and I sat down while other people were standing.


30. 虽然骑共享单车是一种环保的出行方式,但许多自行车被扔得到处都是。
Athough riding shared bikes is an environmentally friendly way to travel, many of the bikes are thrown everywhere.
