1. 他用手指摸了摸他兜里的几枚硬币。
He fingered the few coins in his pocket.


2. 他把兜里的钥匙弄得丁零当啷乱响。
He jangled the keys in his pocket.


3. 他挺直腰,把双手插进衣兜里
He straightened up and slipped his hands in his pockets.


4. 她把兜里的硬币弄得叮当响。
She jingled the coins in her pocket.


5. 皮特把他的双手胡乱塞进了他的兜里
Pete jammed his hands into his pockets.


6. 你兜里是钱。
It's money in your pocket.


7. 哦,霏欧纳兜里带了着些钱。
Oh Fiona found out she had some money in her pocket.


8. 他从衣拿出一些钱递给出租车司机。
He took some money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driver.


9. 他站起身,然后摸了摸裤的皮夹子。
He stood up and felt for his wallet in his pocket.


10. 人们可以把他们的手机装在装有钥匙及零钱的兜里
People carry their phones around in pockets with keys and change.


11. 那个人初始有些游移不定,随后拿起信封揣进兜里
The man hesitated then picked up the envelope and put it in his pocket.


12. 听着,伙伴,你不会没看看兜里有什么就把人杀了。
Listen, comrade. You didn't kill that man without looking to see what he had in his pockets.


13. 当她放下焦炭在上衣兜里找钥匙时,硬币掉到了地上。
When she put down the coke and was hunting in her jacket pocket for the key, coins fell out onto the floor.


14. 他要是来了,我兜里还为他准备了几支雪茄。
I've got a couple in my pocket for him, if he shows up.


15. 兜里不放东西都是到处溜达,这样的小自由真让人感觉很棒。
The right to have nothing in your pocket is a great little freedom.


16. 第27步兵团少尉安德鲁费拉拉兜里还塞有硬糖。
18second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara, with the 27th Infantry Regiment, packs Gobstopper candy with the rest of his Arsenal.


17. 父亲想把那小包藏在他的衣兜里,用手捂着,以免女儿给拿去。
The father tried to hide the little bag in his pocket and cover it with his hands, so that his daughter couldn’t take it.


18. 第一个人在兜里摸索着,拿出一个打火机,并咯哒一声将它打开了。
The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter.


19. 如果路人还是没有掏空兜里的零钱,他会再翻动纸板,显示下一条标语。
The target has still not emptied their pockets of loose change, and the sign is transformed again to reveal yet another message.


20. 如果路人还是没有掏空兜里的零钱,他会再翻动纸板,显示下一条标语。
The target has still not emptied their pockets of loose change , and the sign is transformed again to reveal yet another message.


21. 那天早晨被人放进兜里的那些东西不知道那是永久改变它们命运的一天。
The things that people put in their pockets that morning not knowing that this was going to be a day that changed their lives forever.


22. 你拿了一个粉盒,一支口红还有至少两管牙膏在你衣兜里,艾尔弗雷德。
You've got a compact and a lipstick and at least two tubes of toothpaste in your pockets, Alfred.


23. “他走到哪里我都能认出他,”伊凡说,“他的耳朵还在我的衣兜里呢。”
"I'd know him anywhere," said Ivan. "I have his ear in my pocket."


24. 有两人抬走一台大屏幕电视机,其他人欣然将电子产品放在衣兜里
One pair carried out a widescreen TV while others gleefully pocketed electrical items.


25. N'deh从自己的兜里拿出些食物嚼碎然后嘴对嘴的喂给它。
N 'deh chews up some food from his pouch and feeds it from his mouth to the dart's beak.


26. 同时他把“慈善家”留给他的那枚当五法郎的钱扔在女人的围裙兜里
And he flung into his wife's apron the five-franc piece which the "philanthropist" had left with him.


27. 同时他把“慈善家”留给他的那枚当五法郎的钱扔在女人的围裙兜里
And he flung into his wife's apron the five-franc piece which the "philanthropist" had left with him.
