1. 这家旅店值得再次光顾
This hotel is worth a return visit.


2. 这家饭店很值得光顾
This restaurant is well worth a visit.


3. 伯尔尼的女士们喜欢光顾这个地方喝茶吃点心。
The ladies of Berne liked to patronize the palace for tea and little cakes.


4. 比起经济萧条前,价格已成为购物者们选择光顾哪家商店的一个更重要的考虑因素。
Price has become a more important consideration for shoppers in choosing which shop to visit than it was before the recession.


5. 光顾这家餐馆的人很多。
The restaurant has a large patronage.


6. 如蒙光顾,无任欢迎。
Your patronage is cordially invited.


7. 现在他正在起诉这家赌场,指控它本应该拒绝他的光顾,因为它知道他上瘾了。
Now he is suing the casino, charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted.


8. 通过鼓励客户光顾这三家公司,我们将为每一家公司的盈利做出贡献,并使我们的回报最大化。
By motivating customers to patronize all three, we will thus contribute to the profitability of each and maximize our return.


9. 它们越喜欢自己的巢,它们的摆尾舞就跳得越有活力而且时间也更长,这样就会有更多的蜜蜂来光顾
The more they liked their nest, the more vigorous and lengthy their waggle dance and the more bees will choose to visit it.


10. 作为一个条件,我们应该要求他们参加一个特殊的项目:任何光顾了其中两家企业的顾客都将在第三家企业获得大幅折扣。
As a condition, we should require them to participate in a special program: Any customer who patronizes two of the businesses will receive a substantial discount at the third.


11. 这家酒吧是艺术家最爱光顾的地方。
The pub is a favourite haunt of artists.


12. 小屋看上去像是被放任的疯子光顾过一样。
The cabin looked as if a maniac had been let loose there.


13. 感谢您的光顾
We're grateful for your business.


14. 该商店一位发言人说:“他常常光顾这里。我们以前就注意他了。”
A spokesman for the shop said: "He comes here quite a lot. We've had our eye on him before."


15. 并非所有光顾的都是游客。
Not all the customers are tourists.


16. 我们吃了午饭,换了衣服,下午光顾了一家百货公司。
We had lunch, changed clothes, and spent the afternoons as customers in a department store.


17. 那些南安普敦的邻居不太可能在漂亮的城镇里光顾一家赌场,所以部落可能将另寻新址。
It is unlikely that its Southampton neighbours would go for a casino in their posh town, so the tribe will probably look elsewhere.


18. 我总是尽量提供最新鲜的食物,并尽可能让环境变得舒适愉快,这样我的顾客们就会愿意再次光顾
I always serve the freshest possible food and I make the atmosphere as comfortable and as pleasant as I can, so that my customers will want to come back.


19. 我再也不去光顾那家商店了。
I'll never patronize that store again.


20. 用紫外线打出的“皆大欢喜”,在它的照射下光顾一连串杜邦咖啡店的顾客显得像生了坏疽的尸首。
Tout Va Bien in ultraviolet rays that make the clients of the Dupont chain cafés look like gangrened cadavers.


21. 你是不是很少光顾健康俱乐部?
Health clubs you rarely visit?


22. 约翰经常光顾这家饭馆。
The restaurant is patronized by John.


23. 从今年春天我们开始光顾动物收容站。
In the spring we started visiting animal shelters.


24. 这座城市值得光顾一下。
This city deserves visiting.


25. 我经常光顾跳蚤市场。
I often visit the flea market.


26. 两个小时内,有两个顾客光顾过。
During a two-hour visit, two customers came by.


27. 但是说实话,幸运也光顾了我们。
But let's be honest: luck was also on our side.


28. 我经常光顾我的牙医,他有着高超的交流技巧。
I go out of my way to patronize a dentist who has excellent communication skills.


29. 雪和冻雨每年要光顾这个地方一两次。
Once or twice each year, snow and sleet move into the area.


30. 雪和冻雨每年要光顾这个地方一两次。
Once or twice each year, snow and sleet move into the area.
