1. 渔民在近海围捕乌鱼
Fishermen caught grey mullet near the inshore area.


2. 强酸性:蛋黄、乳酪、白糖、西点、柿子、乌鱼子、柴鱼等。
Strongly acidic: egg yolks, cheese, refined white sugar, Western-style pastry, persimmons, mullet roe, mackerels.


3. 如用较稀的米汤、面汤直接清洗,或用骨清洗,效果也不错。
If using a more dilute rice soup, soup directly cleaning, or mullet bones clean, with good results.


4. 鱼卵来自乌鱼,鲔鱼或其他的鱼的鱼白,轻微的盐腌,压缩与干燥的。
Roe from mullet, tuna or other fish, lightly salted, pressed and dried.


5. 你知道,在海洋底部一片漆黑,因此抹香鲸必须利用声波才能找到枪乌鱼
You know, it is completely dark at the bottom of the ocean, therefore the sperm whale has to look for the squid by using sound waves.


6. 这是一座像乌鱼一样的房屋,法国植物艺术家帕特里克·布兰科用植物覆盖其墙壁,后面可进行自由聚会。
This is like the mullet of houses, with a plant-covered wall by French botanical artist Patrick Blanc providing the untamed party in the back.


7. 查里塞隆在《北国风云》里面有着一头类似乌鱼的可以像外面两边仪式性卷起来的法拉福塞特式的发型,无论是在她出庭或者参加镇上的夜生活的时候。
Theron in North Country has a sort of she-mullet that can be curled ceremonially outward at the sides, Farrah Fawcett-style, in the event of court appearances or nights on the town.


8. 查里塞隆在《北国风云》里面有着一头类似乌鱼的可以像外面两边仪式性卷起来的法拉福塞特式的发型,无论是在她出庭或者参加镇上的夜生活的时候。
Theron in North Country has a sort of she- mullet that can be curled ceremonially outward at the sides, Farrah Fawcett-style, in the event of court appearances or nights on the town.


9. 查里塞隆在《北国风云》里面有着一头类似乌鱼的可以像外面两边仪式性卷起来的法拉福塞特式的发型,无论是在她出庭或者参加镇上的夜生活的时候。
Theron in North Country has a sort of she- mullet that can be curled ceremonially outward at the sides, Farrah Fawcett-style, in the event of court appearances or nights on the town.
