1. 我们不费吹灰之力,就按时完成了。
We finished in time, no messing.


2. 他们第二个进球简直不费吹灰之力
Their second goal was an absolute gift.


3. 这事不费吹灰之力
It was a breeze.


4. 帮助你不费吹灰之力就发了财,这对我们来说就够了。
It is enough for us that we have helped you to become rich with little or no trouble.


5. 他的体重应该在16kg左右(35磅)。然而他的幼儿园老师,一位衣着陈旧莎丽的柔弱女子,却能不费吹灰之力把他提拎起来。
He should weigh around 16kg (35lb). But scooping him up from the floor costs his nursery teacher, a frail woman in a faded sari, little effort.


6. 我不费吹灰之力弄到了这种柔软舒适的短裤。
I got this sort of comfortable soft shorts with no efforts.


7. 应该获得:最佳纪录片奖,不费吹灰之力地。
Should've won: Best Documentary, at a canter.


8. 于是晏婴不费吹灰之力就铲除了齐国的三个隐患。
Thus Yan Ying was able to remove three potential threats to the country of Qi without lifting a finger.


9. 的确,巴菲特不费吹灰之力就能在交易中大获全胜。
Indeed, Buffett can win the game before ever stepping up to bat.


10. 如何不费吹灰之力而成功与商场之上(1967)?
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (1967)?


11. 并行停车将不费吹灰之力,而且我不会在被要求拼车了。
Parallel parking would be a breeze, and I'd never be asked to join a car pool again.


12. 美国高校在赚钱不费吹灰之力的时代彻严重地迷失了方向。
America's universities lost their way badly in the era of easy money.


13. 他们对他来讲是无关紧要的事,他可以不费吹灰之力杀死他们的。
They're a matter of such indifference to him that he can kill them as easily as not.


14. 天生充满自信、说服力强的你不费吹灰之力便能赢得某人的芳心。
You will inspire confidence in others. Your persuasive nature will win the heart of someone you've had your eye on.


15. “努力干吧,不要妥协,绝不要满足不费吹灰之力的交易,”帕姆说。
“Work hard, don’t compromise, never settle for the easy deal, ” Pam said.


16. 或者不费吹灰之力就搬动我们的平板显示器从一间屋子到另外一间屋子?
Moving our flatscreens from one room of the house to another without breaking a sweat?


17. 搜索引擎令每位用户即时轻松地比较所有供应商提供的价格不费吹灰之力
Search engines have made it ridiculously easy for every consumer to compare prices from every supplier instantly and effortlessly.


18. 是什么告诉你,你现在身处这个空间,你的文字不费吹灰之力自然流淌到纸上?
What is it that tells you that you’re now in the zone and your writing is flowing effortlessly onto the page?


19. 很容易更改它,不费吹灰之力就可以扩展它,并可以使它迅速适应新的编程方法。
You can change it easily, extend it almost effortlessly, and adapt it quickly to new programming approaches.


20. 如果让你列举出20家美国大型跨国企业,你可能不费吹灰之力就可以说出50家。
Name 20 large American corporations that do business worldwide. Without trying, you can probably name 50.


21. 没有人会想到到那个地方找你,而你可以不费吹灰之力到达这座建筑的其他任何地方。
No one will ever think of looking for you in there and you can travel to any other part of the building without difficulty.


22. 如果仅是成本问题,那么孟加拉国作为这一地区劳动力最廉价的地方想要赢不费吹灰之力
If it were only a matter of cost, the Bangladeshis, who are the least expensive in the region, would win the contest hands down.


23. 书中特别强调乔布斯的这些如今看似不费吹灰之力的想法皆缘于他们无限的直觉与预见性。
The book emphasizes how deceptively effortless Mr. Jobs’s ideas now seem because of their extreme intuitiveness and foresight.


24. 然而,如今他们有了另外的选择,他们不费吹灰之力即可使自己的插件应用于其它许多站点。
But now they also have the option, with negligible effort, to make their widgets available on many other networks.


25. 由于它的精巧设计,从夏日微风到大暴雨,撑着SENZ雨伞可以不费吹灰之力劈开风幕而行。
Due to its smart design, the SENZ umbrella effortlessly slices through the wind, from a summer breeze to a heavy storm. [link].


26. 因此,年轻的林肯受身边文化氛围的影响,努力想认识自身的缺点—结果,他不费吹灰之力就找到了。
So the young Lincoln had been encouraged by the culture around him to identify his own flaws - and, in any case, he had no trouble finding them.


27. 因此,年轻的林肯受身边文化氛围的影响,努力想认识自身的缺点—结果,他不费吹灰之力就找到了。
So the young Lincoln had been encouraged by the culture around him to identify his own flaws - and, in any case, he had no trouble finding them.
