1. 他利用她人好心软,三番两次向她借钱。
He takes advantage of her kindness and borrows money too often.


2. 露丝三番两地谈她的欧洲之行,她的朋友们都听腻了。
Ruth talks about her trip to Europe all the time, and her friends are tired of it.


3. 你三番地犯了七宗罪,你必须逃跑否则你的余生将要完全服从上帝的旨意!
Sin is your middle name and you've committed all seven of them time and again. You've got to escape or you'll have to obey the Lord for the rest of your after life!


4. 俾斯麦靠着自己的暴怒脾气,潸然老泪,歇斯底里的使性子与三番两次的辞职威胁等手段支配国王于股掌间。
He manipulated him with temper tantrums, tears, hysterical outbursts and frequent threats of resignation.


5. 俾斯麦靠着自己的暴怒脾气,潸然老泪,歇斯底里的使性子与三番两次的辞职威胁等手段支配国王于股掌间。
He manipulated him with temper tantrums, tears, hysterical outbursts and frequent threats of resignation.
