1. 对事故的说法我们必须一口咬定,再不改口。
We must stick to our story about the accident.


2. 他一口咬定当时不在现场。
He stated categorically that he was not at the scene of the crime.


3. 哥伦布一口咬定说地球实在是圆的。
Columbus contended that the earth was round.


4. 他们一口咬定盗窃案是他干的。
They nailed him for that theft.


5. 被告一口咬定说他是无罪的。
The accused person stuck out that he was innocent of the crime.


6. 总之,姑娘一口咬定,她根本不认识他们。
In short, the girl insisted that she did not know them.


7. 那个流氓诬赖那个年轻人,一口咬定他是小偷。
The rogue swore against the young man, saying he was a thief.


8. 而那些思维刻板一口咬定海外的科索沃人的只不过是些种族主义者。
Some stereotypes widely believed and repeated about Kosovars abroad are merely racist.


9. 麦道夫已于2009年被判150年监禁,但他一口咬定自己是单干的。
Mr Madoff, who was sentenced in 2009 to 150 years in prison, has adamantly maintained he acted alone.


10. 有了这个共识的撑腰,《太阳报》如今一口咬定:任何不忠于英国的人都应该离开英国。
Emboldened by this consensus, the Sun now insists that anyone who isn't loyal to this country should leave it.


11. 后头那些村民声称三个孩子被害,并一口咬定吸血鬼干了这事,他们对那些东西恨之入骨。
Those people back in the village who claim three children have been killed or whatever it was by the vampire, they hate it and want to destroy it.


12. 人们总是谈论心理治疗的价格,并一口咬定它高得离谱,但却从没有人以理智的观点来看这个问题。
People always talk about the costs of therapy and granted it's expensive but no one ever looks at it from a rational standpoint.


13. 莉莎穿着长裙,戴着女佣人的布帽,显得那么矮小,虽说开始雇用的时候,她一口咬定她早就过十岁了。
Such a midget she looked in her long skirt and maid's cap, though she had sworn, when engaged, that she would never see ten again.


14. 莉莎穿着长裙,戴着女佣人的布帽,显得那么矮小,虽说开始雇用的时候,她一口咬定她早就过十岁了。
Such a midget she looked in her long skirt and maid's cap, though she had sworn, when engaged, that she would never see ten again.
