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【词根来源】:“惩罚”的意义来源于希腊语poine(惩罚),拉丁语poena,古法语peine;“羽毛”的意义来源于拉丁语名词penna, pennae, f(羽毛);“尾巴”的意义来源于拉丁语名词pen.is(尾巴)。

【同源单词】:impunity, penal, penalty, penitentiary, punish


【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; a person who, a place where, a thing which, or pertaining to; connected with; having the character of; apparatus

【相关描述】The following examples of this suffix represent a very small number of those that exist in other parts of this lexicon.

【同源单词】ablephary, ablutionary, aboriginary, admaxillary, adversary, agynary

词根词缀:poen-, peno-, poino-, poin-, puni-, pain-, penal-, pent-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: pain, punishment, penalty

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references related to "pain, hurt; suffering, injury" word families: -agra; algesi-; algo-; angina-; dolor-; Masochism; noci-; odyno-; pono- (toil, work; pain); Sadism.

【同源单词】counterpunch, impunity, Nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto, pain, painful, painfully