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词根词缀:meta-, met-, meth-

【来源及含义】Greek: after, behind, beyond; changed in form, altered; higher [used to designate a higher degree of a branch of science]

【同源单词】acrometagenesis, allochemical metamorphism, atmometamorphism, brachymetapody, digitometatarsal, ectrometacarpia

词根词缀:the-; them-, themat-, thes-, thet-

【来源及含义】Latin: placing, setting; to place, to put

【相关词根词缀】 Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; stato-.

【同源单词】anathema, anathematization, anathematize, antithesis, apothecary, boutique