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【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词migro, migrare, migravi, migrates(迁移)。

【同源单词】:emigrant, emigrate, emigration, immigrant, immigrate

前缀:il-, in-, ir-, im-


【词根来源】:(il-用于l前;im-用于b, m, p前;ir-用于r前;in-用于其它情况)   来源于拉丁语in。

【同源单词】:illegal, illegality, illegitimate, illiterate, illogical


【来源及含义】Latin: in, into, within, inside, on, toward [il-, ir-, im-], in, into, etc.: include, incur, invade; also, used intensively, as in the words inflame and inflammable, or without perceptible force.

【相关描述】The in- changes or is assimilated to il- before l, as with "illuminate", to im- before b, as with "imbibe"; before m, as with "immediate"; before p, as with "implant"; and to ir- before r, as with "irrigate".

The form generally remains unassimilated in words formed in English; such as, inbreed.

Don't confuse this in-2, meaning "in, into, within", etc. with the Latin prefix in-1 meaning "not" nor with the prefix for English-origin words in-3 meaning "in, into; within".

【同源单词】illuminate, imbibe, immigrate, import, inaugurate, incalescent

词根词缀:migr-, migrat-

【来源及含义】Latin: to remove, to wander; moving; to move away, to depart from one place to another place

【同源单词】commigration, electromigratory, emigrant, emigrate, emigration, emigre