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【同源单词】:differ, difference, different, differential, differentiate

前缀:dif- 和辅音重复表示"不, 否定, 分开"

differ 不同(dif+fer带来→带来不同→不同)

difference 不同(differ的名词)

diffident 自卑的(dit+fid相信+ent→不相信〔自己〕→自卑的)

diffuse 散布的,散开的(dif+fusc流→分开流→散布的)

difficult 困难的(dif+fic做+ult→不好做→困难的)

difform 不同形式的;不规则的(dif+form形状→形状不同)

前缀:dif- 分开, 否定, 不

diffluence 分流

differ 不同,相异

diffident 不自信的

diffuse 散开,散布

词根词缀:albo-, alb-, -albify; albus

【来源及含义】Latin: white; pale

【相关描述】This unit is directly related to the albumino- unit.

【相关词根词缀】Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "white": albumino-; leuco-.

【同源单词】alb, alba, albatross, albedo, albeduria, Albeluvisol

词根词缀:dis-, di-, dif-

【来源及含义】Latin: separation, apart, asunder; removal, away, from; negation, deprivation, undoing, reversal, utterly, completely; in different directions

【相关描述】The meaning of dis- varies with different words; dif-, assimilated form of dis- before f; di-, form of dis- before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v.

【同源单词】diffect, differ, difference, different, differentia, differential


【来源及含义】Latin: to build, to erect a building; a building, a sanctuary, a temple; originally, aedes, "building a hearth" or "to build a hearth" because the fire in the hearth was the center of the home in early times since it supplied both heat and light; over time, the meaning expanded from the hearth itself to the home and building that enclosed it

【同源单词】edification, edifice, edifier, edifieth, edify, edile

词根词缀:lucifer, luci-

【来源及含义】Latin: light-bearing, light producing, emitting light

【相关词根词缀】A list of related "light, shining, glow" units: luco-; lumen-, lum-; luna, luni-, lustr-, phengo-, pheno-, phospho-, photo-; scinti-, scintill-.

【同源单词】Lucifer, luciferase, luciferin, luciferous, Luciferphobia, lucific

词根词缀:sci-, -science, -scientific, -scientifically, -scient, -sciently

【来源及含义】Latin: to know, to learn; knowledge

【相关词根词缀】 Related articles about science: "Science Race"; STEM, Part 1; STEM, Part 2; Scientific Specialties. Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "know, knowledge; learn, learning": cogni-; discip-; gno-; histor-; intellect-; learn, know; math-; sap-; sopho-.

【同源单词】agricultural science, artes, Artes, attoscience, biobehavioral sciences, bioscience