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词根词缀:gyro-, gyr-

【来源及含义】Greek: turning, spinning, whirling, bend, circular motion; originally, "circle, curved, ring"

【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ambi-; ampho-; circ-; circum-; cyclo-, -cycle; peri-. Inter-related cross references involving word units meaning "bend, curve, turn": diversi-; diverticul-; flect-, flex-; meand-; -plex; streph-; stroph-; tors-; tropo-; verg-; vers-; volv-.

【同源单词】autogyro, dextrogyral, dextrogyrate, dextrogyration, gyral, gyrate

词根词缀:-mancy, -mancer, -mantic, -mantical

【来源及含义】Greek: used as a suffix; divination, prophecy, fortune telling; to interpret signs so “practical” decisions can be made [related to -mania]

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; auspic-; fa-, fate; Fates in action; futur-; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery; vati-. A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": aleato-; auspic-; cad-; fortu-; serendipity; sorc; temer-; tycho-.

【同源单词】abacomancy, acutomancia, adiathermancy, adryomancy, aeluromancy, aeromancy