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【来源及含义】Latin: suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing act, state, quality, property, or condition corresponding to an adjective

【同源单词】abnormality, absorbability, acclivity, acerbity, acridity, acrity


【来源及含义】Arabic: the gift of finding interesting things by chance; the faculty of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; an apparent talent for making fortunate discoveries accidentally

【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": aleato-; auspic-; cad-; fortu-; -mancy; sorc-; temer-; tycho-.

【同源单词】pseudoserendipitous, pseudoserendipity, serendipitist, serendipitous, serendipitously, serendipity