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词根词缀:-ectomy, -ectome, -ectomize

【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix; cut, excise, surgical removal of

【相关词根词缀】 Related cutting-word units: cast-; castrat-; -cise, -cide; mutil-; put-; sec-, seg-; temno-; -tomy; trunc-.

【同源单词】abdominal hysterectomy, abdominal nephrectomy, abdominohysterectomy, acetabulectomy, acromionectomy, adenectomy

词根词缀:ganglio-, gangli-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: swelling, a knot; center of a cavity; nerve center; pertaining to a mass of nerve tissue

【相关描述】According to Galen [Galenius or Galenos], Clausius [Clarissmus], a Greek physician and medical scientist in Rome c. A.D. 130-201; the proper sense of the element is "anything gathered into a ball," conglobatus.

【同源单词】ganglia, gangliated, gangliform, ganglion, ganglionated, ganglionectomy