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denationalize 非国有化

destruction 破坏

demilitarize 使非军事化

demobilize 复员(与mobilize相反)

decolonize 使非殖民化

depoliticize 使非政治化

dement 缺点(非优点)

deemphasize 使不重要

decompose 分解(与compose相反)

dechristianize 非基督教

dematerialize 非物质化


desalt 除去盐分

deforest 砍伐森林

decontrol 取消管制

deface 毁…的外观

dewater 除去水分

decolour 使退色

de-ink 除去污迹

de-oil 脱除油脂

defog 清除雾气

depollution 消除污染

defrost 除霜,解冻

decode 解(译)密码

decamp 撤营

degas 消除毒气,排气

deflower 摘花

decivilize 使丧失文明


detrain 下火车

dethrone 使离王位

deplane 下飞机

derail 使(火车)出轨


depress 压低,压下

depopulation 人口减少

devalue 降低价值,贬值

declass 降低社会地位


delimit 划定界限

denude 使裸露

depicture 描绘,描述

design 计划,设计

词根词缀:nebula-, nebul-

【来源及含义】Latin: mist, fog, cloud, smoke

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": atmido-; capno; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; typho-.

【同源单词】circumnebulous, nebula, nebulaphobia, nebulate, nebulated, nebule

词根词缀:nubi-, nub-

【来源及含义】Latin: cloud, fog; shade; dark or obscure, not easy to comprehend

【同源单词】Caput inter nubila condit, nuance, nubecula, nubia, nubiferous, nubiform

词根词缀:typho-, typh-, -typhoidal, -typhus

【来源及含义】Greek: to smoke; smoke, mist, vapor, hot vapor, steam, cloud, fog; stupor [insensibility, numbness, dullness]; used exclusively in medicine as a reference to fever accompanied by stupor or a clouding of the mind resulting from the fever caused by a severe-infectious disease

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": atmido-; capno; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; nebula-.

【同源单词】antityphoid, meningotyphoid, nyctotyphlosis, paratyphoid, pleurotyphoid, posttyphoid