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词根词缀:draco-, drac-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: dragon; a kind of serpent; snake; a kind of fish; by extension, a festering sore

【同源单词】dracontiasis, dracuncular, dracunculiasis, Dracunculidae, Dracunculoidea, dracunculosis

词根词缀:fest-, -fest

【来源及含义】Latin: seize, to be seized; capable of being seized

【同源单词】infest, infestation, infested, infester, infesting, infestuous

词根词缀:phthisio-, phthis-, phthi-, -phthisis

【来源及含义】Greek: decay, waste away, waning; loss, diminution

【相关描述】In the past, tuberculosis was called consumption, because it seemed to consume people from within, with a bloody cough, fever, pallor, and long relentless wasting. Other names included phthisis, Greek for "consumption" and phthisis pulmonalis.

【相关词根词缀】 Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying).

【同源单词】antiphthisic, fibroid phthisis, gastrophthisis, hemophthisis, laryngophthisis, limophthisis

词根词缀:puro-, puru-

【来源及含义】Latin: pus

【相关词根词缀】 Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying). Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; pus-; pustu-; pyo-; suppurant-; tum-; vesico-; vesiculo-.

【同源单词】mucopurulent, purohepatitis, puromucous, purulence, purulency, purulent


【来源及含义】Latin: blister, pimple

【相关词根词缀】 Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying). Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving the "skin": callus-; chorio-; cicatri- (scar); cori-; cuti-; hymen-; lepido- (scab, scale); papulo- (pimple); psoro- (itch, mange); rhytid- (wrinkle); scabio- (mange, itchy); sebo- (grease, oil). Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; puro-; pus-; pyo-; suppurant-; tum-; vesico-; vesiculo-.

【同源单词】acropustulosis, papulopustular, pustulant, pustular, pustulate, pustulation

词根词缀:putre-, putri-, putid-

【来源及含义】Latin: rotten, decayed; to be rotten, to become rotten, to decay

【相关词根词缀】 Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying).

【同源单词】antiputrefactive, Cito maturum, imputrescible, putid, putredinous, putrefacation

词根词缀:pyo-, py-

【来源及含义】Greek: pus; purulent, an infection or foreign material that causes a thick whitish-yellow fluid which results from the accumulation of white blood cells

【相关词根词缀】 Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying). Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; puro-; pus-; pustu-; suppurant-; tum-; vesico-; vesiculo-.

【同源单词】archepyon, arthroempyesis, biopyoculture, biopyocultured, dacryopyorrhea, dacryopyosis

词根词缀:sapro-, sapr-, sap-

【来源及含义】Greek: rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay; poisoning from bacterial action

【相关词根词缀】 Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay) sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying).

【同源单词】holosaprophyte, mesosaprobe, mesosaprobic, oligosaprobic, polysaprobic, sapremia

词根词缀:sepsi-, sep-, septi-, septico-, septo-, -sepsis, -septic, -septicemia, -septicemic

【来源及含义】Greek: decay, rot, putrefactive

【相关词根词缀】 Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying).

【同源单词】antisepsis, antiseptic, antiseptic, asepsis, aseptic, asepticism

词根词缀:suppurant-, suppura-

【来源及含义】Latin: to fester, to form matter; forming or discharging pus

【相关词根词缀】 Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); tabe- (wasting away, decaying). Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; puro-; pus-; pustu-; pyo-; tum-; vesico-; vesiculo-.

【同源单词】suppurant, suppurantia, suppurate, suppuration, suppurative, suppurative endophthalmitis