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词根:rhythm = rhythm, 表示“节奏”

arrhythmic a. 无节奏的;心率不齐的(ar无+rhythm+ic)

eurhythmic a. 比例协调的(eu美好+rhythm+ic→有好的节奏→协调)

unrhythmical a. 无韵律的,无节奏的(un不,无+rhythm+ical)

前缀:eu- 表示"好, 优秀"

eulogize 赞美(eu+log说+ize→说好话)

euphemism 委婉的词语(eu+phem讲话+ism→讲好话)

euphonious 声音优美的(eu+phon声音+ious→声音好听的)

eurhythmic 协调的(eu+rhythm节奏+ic)

euphoria 幸福愉快感(eu+phor带来+ia→带来美好→愉快)

eugenics 优生学(eu+gen产出+ics→产生优秀〔后代〕→优秀生)


【来源及含义】Greek: slow, slowness; delayed, tardy; a prefix used in the sense of being "abnormally slow"

【同源单词】bradyacusia, bradyarrhythmia, bradyarthria, bradyauxesis, bradycardia, bradycardiac

词根词缀:isthm-, isthmo-

【来源及含义】Greek: narrow passage or ridge; narrow passage or strip [especially of bodily tissue] connecting two larger entities

【同源单词】isthmectomy, isthmian, isthmoid, isthmoparalysis, isthmoplegia, isthmospasm

词根词缀:rhythm-, rhythmo-

【来源及含义】Greek: regularly recurring motion; measured motion

【同源单词】accelerated idioventricular rhythm, allorhythmia, allorhythmic, alpha rhythm, anisorhythmia, anisorrhythmia