1. The common eland is pale brown, becoming blue-gray with age, and often marked with narrow, vertical white stripes.


2. The large and very heavy giant eland of forests and plains in western Africa looks more like an ox than an antelope.


3. 500sq. km, hosts animals like giraffe, gemsbok, red hartebeest, eland, kudu, springbok, lion, leopard, cheetah and wild dog. khutse is about 210km from gaborone.
库策动物保护区( 2 500平方公里)生活著长颈鹿、大羚羊、红麋羚、南非大羚羊、纰角羚、跳羚、狮子、美洲豹、猎豹和野狗。


4. This week, for the first time, six Bushmen, including at least one of the plaintiffs in the 2006 case, Tshetha Ntwatamogala, were convicted of illegally hunting gemsbok and eland in the reserve.
本周,六名布须曼人首开先河地被判犯有非法猎杀保护区内的长角羚和大角斑羚的罪名,六人中至少有一人(施萨·恩瓦塔摩戈拉,即Tshetha Ntwatamogala)是2006年那起案件的原告。


5. This week, for the first time, six Bushmen, including at least one of the plaintiffs in the 2006 case, Tshetha Ntwatamogala, were convicted of illegally hunting gemsbok and eland in the reserve.
本周,六名布须曼人首开先河地被判犯有非法猎杀保护区内的长角羚和大角斑羚的罪名,六人中至少有一人(施萨·恩瓦塔摩戈拉,即Tshetha Ntwatamogala)是2006年那起案件的原告。
