woundyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[wound 词源字典]
wound: [OE] Wound is a widespread Germanic word, with relatives in German wunde, Dutch wond, and Icelandic und (Danish vunde is a reborrowing from Low German). Its ultimate origins are uncertain, but it has been speculated that it may go back to an Indo-European base *wen-, which also produced Welsh gwanu ‘stab’.
[wound etymology, wound origin, 英语词源]
wound (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English wund "hurt, injury, ulcer," from Proto-Germanic *wundaz (cognates: Old Saxon wunda, Old Norse und, Old Frisian wunde, Old High German wunta, German wunde "wound"), perhaps from PIE root *wen- (2) "to beat, wound."
wound (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English wundian "to wound," from the source of wound (n.). Cognate with Old Frisian wundia, Middle Dutch and Dutch wonden, Old High German wunton, German verwunden, Gothic gawundon. Figurative use, of feelings, etc., from c. 1200. Related: Wounded; wounding.