vomityoudaoicibaDictYouDict[vomit 词源字典]
vomit: [14] Vomit comes from vomitus, the past participle of Latin vomere ‘vomit’. This was descended from the prehistoric Indo-European base *wem-, which also produced Greek emeín ‘vomit’ (source of English emetic [17]).
=> emetic[vomit etymology, vomit origin, 英语词源]
vomit (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., "act of expelling contents of the stomach through the mouth," from Anglo-French vomit, Old French vomite, from Latin vomitus, from vomitare "to vomit often," frequentative of vomere "to puke, spew forth, discharge," from PIE root *weme- "to spit, vomit" (cognates: Greek emein "to vomit," emetikos "provoking sickness;" Sanskrit vamati "he vomits;" Avestan vam- "to spit;" Lithuanian vemiù "to vomit," Old Norse væma "seasickness"). In reference to the matter so ejected, it is attested from late 14c.
vomit (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., from Latin vomitus, past participle of vomitare (see vomit (n.)). Related: Vomited; vomiting.