violetyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[violet 词源字典]
violet: [14] Violet was borrowed from Old French violete, a diminutive form of viole ‘violet’. This in turn went back to Latin viola ‘violet’, itself acquired by English in the 15th century. The word probably originated in a pre-Indo- European Mediterranean language, which also produced Greek íon ‘violet’ (source of English iodine). Its primary application is as a plantname; its use as a colour term is a secondary application.
=> iodine[violet etymology, violet origin, 英语词源]
violet (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
small wild plant with purplish-blue flowers, c. 1300, from Old French violete (12c.), diminutive of viole "violet," from Latin viola "the violet, a violet color," cognate with Greek ion (see iodine), probably from a pre-Indo-European Mediterranean language. The color sense (late 14c.) developed from the flower.