varyyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[vary 词源字典]
vary: [14] Latin varius meant ‘speckled, variegated, changeable’ (it gave English various [16], and may have been related to Latin vārus ‘bent, crooked, knock-kneed’, source of English prevaricate). It had a range of derivatives, which have given English variable [14], variance [14], variant [14], variegate [17], variety [16], variola ‘smallpox’ [18] (which retains the original notion of ‘speckling’), and vary.
=> prevaricate, variegate, variety, variola, various[vary etymology, vary origin, 英语词源]
vary (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-14c. (transitive); late 14c. (intransitive), from Old French variier "be changed, go astray; change, alter, transform" and directly from Latin variare "change, alter, make different," from varius "varied, different, spotted;" perhaps related to varus "bent, crooked, knock-kneed," and varix "varicose vein," from a PIE root *wer- (1) "high raised spot or other bodily infirmity" (cognates: Old English wearte "wart," Swedish varbulde "pus swelling," Latin verruca "wart"). Related: Varied; varying.