uvulayoudaoicibaDictYouDict[uvula 词源字典]
uvula: [14] The uvula, a small globular mass of tissue suspended from the rear of the roof of the mouth, reminded the Romans of a small grape. They therefore called it uva, which meant literally ‘grape’ (it is not known where this ultimately came from, but it may be distantly related to Russian jagoda ‘berry’). In postclassical times the diminutive form uvula took over in this sense.
[uvula etymology, uvula origin, 英语词源]
uvula (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from Late Latin uvula, from Latin uvola "small bunch of grapes," diminutive of uva "grape," from PIE root *og- "fruit, berry." So called from fancied resemblance of the organ to small grapes. Related: Uvular.