ultramarineyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[ultramarine 词源字典]
ultramarine: [16] Ultramarine originally denoted a blue pigment made from the stone lapis lazuli. This was imported in the Middle Ages from Asia by sea, and so it was termed in medieval Latin ultrāmarīnus, literally ‘beyond the seas’. This was a compound adjective formed from the prefix ultrā- ‘beyond’ and marīnus ‘of the sea’ (source of English marine).
=> marine, mere, mermaid[ultramarine etymology, ultramarine origin, 英语词源]
ultramarine (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1590s, "blue pigment made from lapis lazuli," from Medieval Latin ultramarinus, literally "beyond the sea," from ultra- "beyond" + marinus "of the sea" (see marine (adj.)). Said to be so called because the mineral was imported from Asia.