ulterioryoudaoicibaDictYouDict[ulterior 词源字典]
ulterior: [17] Ulterior goes back to an unrecorded Latin *ulter ‘distant’ (a relative of ultrā ‘beyond’, source of the English prefix ultra-). Its comparative form was ulterior, which meant literally ‘more distant’. Its superlative form was ultimus, which lies behind English ultimate [17] and ultimatum [18] (etymologically the ‘farthest’ or last point).
=> ultimate, ultimatum[ulterior etymology, ulterior origin, 英语词源]
ulterior (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1640s, "on the other side of," from Latin ulterior "more distant, more remote, farther, on the farther side," comparative of *ulter "beyond" (see ultra-). The sense "not at present in view or consideration" (as in ulterior motives) is attested from 1735.