turbineyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[turbine 词源字典]
turbine: [19] Latin turbō denoted ‘whirl’, ‘whirling thing’, or ‘whirlwind’, and also ‘spinning-top’ (it was related to turba ‘disturbance, crowd’, source of English disturb, trouble, etc). From it around 1824 was coined French turbine, applied originally to a revolving wheel on an axis, driven by water-pressure. It was borrowed into English in the early 1840s.
=> disturb, trouble[turbine etymology, turbine origin, 英语词源]
turbine (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1838, from French turbine (19c.), from Latin turbinem (nominative turbo) "spinning top, eddy, whirlwind, that which whirls," related to turba "turmoil, crowd" (see turbid). Originally applied to a wheel spinning on a vertical axis driven by falling water. Turbo in reference to gas turbine engines is attested from 1904.