tidingsyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[tidings 词源字典]
tidings: [OE] Tidings is etymologically ‘that which happens’. It is closely related to English tide, in the sense ‘happen’ (as in betide). It was adapted from Old Norse títhendi ‘happenings, events, news’, a derivative of the adjective títhr ‘happening’. A similar semantic development from ‘events’ to ‘news of events’ lies behind the related German zeitung ‘newspaper’.
[tidings etymology, tidings origin, 英语词源]
tidings (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"announcement of an event," c. 1200, from late Old English tidung "event, occurrence, piece of news," verbal noun from Old English tidan "to happen," or in part from Old Norse tiðendi (plural) "events, news," from tiðr (adj.) "occurring," from PIE *di-ti- (see tide (n.)). Similar formation in Norwegian tidende "tidings, news," Dutch tijding, German Zeitung "newspaper."