tepidyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[tepid 词源字典]
tepid: [14] English gets tepid from Latin tepidus, a derivative of tepēre ‘be warm’. This was descended from the Indo-European base *tep- ‘warm’, which also produced Russian teplyj ‘warm’, Czech teplý ‘warm’, and Welsh twym ‘hot’.
[tepid etymology, tepid origin, 英语词源]
tepid (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1400, from Latin tepidus "lukewarm," from tepere "be moderately warm," from PIE root *tep- "to be hot" (cognates: Sanskrit tapati "makes warm, heats, burns," tapas "heat, austerity;" Avestan tafnush "fever;" Old Church Slavonic topiti "to warm," teplu "warm;" Old Irish tene "fire;" Welsh tes "heat"). Related: Tepidly; tepidity.