teenyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[teen 词源字典]
teen: [OE] The element -teen (as in thirteen, fourteen, etc) originated as an inflected form of ten. The noun teen, usually used in the expression in one’s teens ‘from the ages of thirteen to nineteen’, was derived from it in the 17th century (‘Your poor young things, when they are once in the teens, think they shall never be married’, William Wycherley, Gentleman Dancing-Master 1673). The compound teenage is first recorded in 1921, teenager in 1941.
=> ten[teen etymology, teen origin, 英语词源]
teen (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"teen-aged person," 1818 (but rare before 20c.), from -teen. As an adjective meaning "of or for teen-agers," from 1947.