surrogateyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[surrogate 词源字典]
surrogate: [17] A surrogate is etymologically someone who has been ‘asked for’ to take the place of another. The word was borrowed from Latin surrogātus, a later form of subrogātus, the past participle of subrogāre ‘nominate an alternative candidate’. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix sub-, used here in the sense ‘instead of’, and rogāre ‘ask for, propose’ (source of English interrogate, prerogative, etc).
=> interrogate, prerogative[surrogate etymology, surrogate origin, 英语词源]
surrogate (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., from Latin surrogatus, past participle of surrogare/subrogare "put in another's place, substitute," from assimilated form of sub "in the place of, under" (see sub-) + rogare "to ask, propose" (see rogation). Meaning "woman pregnant with the fertilized egg of another woman" is attested from 1978 (from 1972 of animals; surrogate mother in a psychological sense is from 1971). As an adjective from 1630s.