supernatural (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[supernatural 词源字典]
early 15c. "of or given by God," from Medieval Latin supernaturalis "above or beyond nature, divine," from Latin super "above" (see super-) + natura "nature" (see nature (n.)). Originally with more of a religious sense, "of or given by God, divine; heavenly;" association with ghosts, etc., has predominated since 19c. Related: Supernaturalism.
That is supernatural, whatever it be, that is either not in the chain of natural cause and effect, or which acts on the chain of cause and effect, in nature, from without the chain. [Horace Bushnell, "Nature and the Supernatural," 1858]
[supernatural etymology, supernatural origin, 英语词源]
supernatural (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1729, "a supernatural being," from supernatural (adj.). From 1830 as "that which is above or beyond the established course of nature."