subornyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[suborn 词源字典]
suborn: see ornament
[suborn etymology, suborn origin, 英语词源]
suborn (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to procure unlawfully, to bribe to accomplish a wicked purpose, especially to induce a witness to perjury, "to lure (someone) to commit a crime," 1530s, from Middle French suborner "seduce, instigate, bribe" (13c.) and directly from Latin subornare "employ as a secret agent, incite secretly," originally "equip, fit out, furnish," from sub "under, secretly" (see sub-) + ornare "equip," related to ordo "order" (see order (n.)). Related: Suborned; suborning.