spermyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[sperm 词源字典]
sperm: [14] Sperm is etymologically something that is ‘sown’, like ‘seed’. The word comes, via late Latin sperma, from Greek spérma ‘seed’. This was a derivative of the same base as produced English diaspora, sporadic, and spore, and it may ultimately be related to English spray.
=> diaspora, sporadic, spore[sperm etymology, sperm origin, 英语词源]
sperm (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"male seminal fluid," late 14c., probably from Old French esperme "seed, sperm" (13c.) and directly from Late Latin sperma "seed, semen," from Greek sperma "the seed of plants, also of animals," literally "that which is sown," from speirein "to sow, scatter," from PIE *sper-mn-, from root *sper- (4) "to strew" (see sprout (v.)). Sperm bank is attested from 1963. For sperm whale see spermaceti.