shoutyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[shout 词源字典]
shout: [14] The origins of shout are disputed. One school of thought traces it back to the prehistoric Germanic base *skeut-, *skaut-, *skut- ‘project’ (source of English sheet and shoot), as if its etymological meaning were ‘throw one’s voice out forcibly’, while another views it as a borrowing from Old Norse skúta ‘taunt’, which may be a distant relative of Greek kudázein ‘abuse’.
[shout etymology, shout origin, 英语词源]
shout (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1300, schowten "to call or cry out loudly," of unknown origin; perhaps from the root of shoot (v.) on the notion of "throw the voice out loudly," or related to Old Norse skuta "a taunt" (compare scout (v.2)). Related: Shouted; shouting.
shout (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from shout (v.).