repastyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[repast 词源字典]
repast: [14] The closest English relative of repast is not past but pasture. It was borrowed from Old French repast, a derivative of repaistre ‘feed’. This in turn went back to late Latin repascere ‘feed again’, a compound verb formed from the prefix re- ‘again’ and pascere ‘feed’ (whose past participial stem formed the basis of English pasture).
=> pasture[repast etymology, repast origin, 英语词源]
repast (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from Old French repast (Modern Frech repas) "a meal, food," from Late Latin repastus "meal" (also source of Spanish repasto, noun use of past participle of repascere "to feed again," from Latin re- "repeatedly" (see re-) + pascere "to graze" (see pastor). The verb (intransitive) is from late 15c.