reflectyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[reflect 词源字典]
reflect: [15] To reflect something is etymologically to ‘bend it back’. The word comes via Old French reflecter from Latin reflectere ‘bend back’, a compound verb formed from the prefix re- ‘back’ and flectere ‘bend’ (source also of English deflect [17], flex [16], flexible [15], inflect [15], etc). The word’s optical application is a post-Latin development.
=> deflect, flex, flexible, inflect[reflect etymology, reflect origin, 英语词源]
reflect (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., "turn or bend back;" early 15c., "to divert, to turn aside, deflect," from Old French reflecter (14c.), from Latin reflectere "bend back, turn back" (see reflection). Of mirrors or polished surfaces, to shine back light rays or images, early 15c.; meaning "to turn one's thoughts back on" is c. 1600. Related: Reflected; reflecting.