recalcitrantyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[recalcitrant 词源字典]
recalcitrant: [19] People who are recalcitrant are etymologically ‘kicking back’ against whatever restrains or upsets them. The word was borrowed from French récalcitrant, a descendant of the present participle of Latin recalcitrāre ‘kick back’. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix re- ‘back, again’ and calcitrāre ‘kick’, which in turn was derived from Latin calx ‘heel’.
[recalcitrant etymology, recalcitrant origin, 英语词源]
recalcitrant (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1823, from French récalcitrant, literally "kicking back" (17c.-18c.), past participle of recalcitrare "to kick back; be inaccessible," from re- "back" (see re-) + Latin calcitrare "to kick," from calx (genitive calcis) "heel." Used from 1797 as a French word in English.