pusyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pus 词源字典]
pus: [16] English borrowed pus from Latin pūs, which was descended from the prehistoric Indo- European base *- (source also of English foul and Latin puter ‘rotten’, from which English gets putrid [16]). Its stem form pūr- has given English purulent [16] and suppurate [16]. The Greek relative of Latin pūs was púon ‘pus’, from which English gets pyorrhoea [18].
=> foul, purulent, putrid, pyorrhoea, suppurate[pus etymology, pus origin, 英语词源]
pus (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from Latin pus "pus, matter from a sore;" figuratively "bitterness, malice" (related to puter "rotten" and putere "to stink"), from PIE *pu- (2) "to rot, decay" (cognates: Sanskrit puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul, rotten;" Greek puon "discharge from a sore," pythein "to cause to rot;" Lithuanian puviu "to rot;" Gothic fuls, Old English ful "foul"), perhaps originally echoic of a natural exclamation of disgust.