pulleyyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pulley 词源字典]
pulley: [14] Although pulleys are used for ‘pulling’, there is no etymological connection between the two words. Pulley comes via Old French polie from Vulgar Latin *polidia, which was probably borrowed from the plural of a medieval Greek *polidion, a diminutive form of Greek pólos ‘pole, pivot’ (source of English pole ‘extremity’).
=> pole[pulley etymology, pulley origin, 英语词源]
pulley (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 13c., from Old French polie, pulie "pulley, windlass" (12c.) and directly from Medieval Latin poliva, puliva, probably from Medieval Greek *polidia, plural of *polidion "little pivot," diminutive of Greek polos "pivot, axis" (see pole (n.2)). As a verb from 1590s.