prosecuteyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[prosecute 词源字典]
prosecute: [15] If you prosecute someone, etymologically you ‘pursue’ them. The word comes from prōsecūt-, the past participial stem of prōsequī ‘pursue’, a compound verb formed from the prefix prō- ‘forward’ and sequī ‘follow’ (source of English sequal, sequence, etc). The word’s legal application emerged in the late 16th century.
=> pursue, sequal, sequence, suit[prosecute etymology, prosecute origin, 英语词源]
prosecute (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., "follow up, pursue" (some course or action), from Latin prosecutus, past participle of prosequi "follow after, accompany; chase, pursue; attack, assail, abuse" (see pursue). Meaning "bring to a court of law" is first recorded 1570s. Meaning "go into detail" is from 1530s.