portraityoudaoicibaDictYouDict[portrait 词源字典]
portrait: [16] Portrait was borrowed from French portrait, which originated as the past participle of the verb portraire ‘depict’ (source of English portray [14]). This was descended from Latin prōtrahere, a compound verb formed from the prefix prō- ‘forth’ and trahere ‘draw’ (source of English tractor). This originally meant ‘draw out, reveal’, and also ‘lengthen’ (it has given English protract [16]), but in medieval Latin it came to be used for ‘depict’.
=> portray, protract, tractor[portrait etymology, portrait origin, 英语词源]
portrait (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1560s, "a figure, drawn or painted," a back formation from portraiture or directly from Middle French portrait, from Old French portret (13c.), noun use of past participle of portraire "to paint, depict" (see portray). Especially of the head and face of a person.