portcullisyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[portcullis 词源字典]
portcullis: [14] A portcullis is etymologically a ‘sliding door’. The word comes from Old French porte coleïce, a term made up of porte ‘door’ (source of English port, as in porthole) and coleïce ‘sliding’. This was a derivative of the verb couler ‘slide’, which came ultimately from Latin cōlum ‘sieve’ (source of English colander [14]).
=> colander, porch, port, portico[portcullis etymology, portcullis origin, 英语词源]
portcullis (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
also port-cullis, c. 1300, from Old French porte coleice "sliding gate" (c. 1200, Modern French porte à coulisse), from porte "gate" (see port (n.2)) + coleice "sliding, flowing," fem. of coleis, from Latin colatus, past participle of colare "to filter, strain" (see colander).