pneumaticyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pneumatic 词源字典]
pneumatic: [17] Pneumatic denotes etymologically ‘of the wind or breath’. It comes via Latin pneumaticus from Greek pneumatikós, a derivative of pneuma ‘wind, breath’ (which is distantly related to English sneeze). Despite its similarity, pneumonia [17] does not come ultimately from the same source. It goes back to Greek pleúmōn ‘lung’, a relative of Latin pulmō (source of English pulmonary), which was altered to pneumōn under the influence of pneuma. From this was derived pneumoníā, acquired by English via Latin pneumonia.
=> pneumonia, pulmonary[pneumatic etymology, pneumatic origin, 英语词源]
pneumatic (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1650s, from Latin pneumaticus "of the wind, belonging to the air," from Greek pneumatikos "of wind or air" (which is attested mainly as "of spirit, spiritual"), from pneuma (genitive pneumatos) "the wind," also "breath" (see pneuma). Earlier was pneumatical (c. 1600).