phoneyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[phone 词源字典]
phone: [20] Phone is of course short for telephone [19], a compound word formed from Greek tēle- ‘far off’ and phōné ‘voice, sound’ (a descendant of the Indo-European base *bha- ‘speak’, and related to English fable, fame, fate, etc). Other English words derived from or based on phōné include gramophone, megaphone [19], microphone, phonetic [19], phonology [18], saxophone, and xylophone.
=> fable, fame, fate[phone etymology, phone origin, 英语词源]
phone (n.1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1884, shortening of telephone (n.). Phone book first recorded 1925; phone booth 1927; phone bill 1901.
phone (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1884, from phone (n.). Related: Phoned; phoning.
phone (n.2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"elementary sound of a spoken language," 1866, from Greek phone "sound, voice," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say" (see fame (n.)).