pelletyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pellet 词源字典]
pellet: [14] Etymologically, a pellet is a ‘little ball’. It comes via Old French pelote (a relative of Spanish pelota ‘ball’, from which the name of the Basque ball-game pelota [19] comes) from Vulgar Latin *pilotta, a diminutive form of Latin pila ‘ball’ (source of English pill [15] and piles ‘haemorrhoids’ [15]). Pelt ‘throw things at’ [15] may have originated as a contraction of pellet (although a possible alternative source is Latin pultāre ‘hit’); and platoon comes from a diminutive form of French pelote.
=> pelota, pelt, piles, platoon[pellet etymology, pellet origin, 英语词源]
pellet (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-14c., from Old French pelote "small ball" (11c.), from Vulgar Latin *pilotta, diminutive of Latin pila "ball, playing ball, the game of ball," perhaps originally "ball of hair," from pilus "hair" (see pile (n.3)).
pellet (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to form into pellets," 1590s, from pellet (n.).