oaryoudaoicibaDictYouDict[oar 词源字典]
oar: [OE] Oar is a general northern Germanic term, traceable back to an ancestral *airō, source also of Swedish år, Danish aare, and, by borrowing, Finnish airo. It is not clear where it comes from, although it may ultimately be related to Latin rēmus ‘oar’ (as in trirēmis, source of English trireme [17]).
=> trireme[oar etymology, oar origin, 英语词源]
oar (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English ar "oar," from Proto-Germanic *airo (cognates: Old Norse ar, Danish aare, Swedish åra), of unknown origin; perhaps related to Latin remus "oar," Greek eretes "rower," eretmos "oar."