mutateyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[mutate 词源字典]
mutate: [19] Semantically, mutate is probably the most direct English descendant of the Indo- European base *moi-, *mei- ‘change, exchange’, which has also given English mad, mean ‘unworthy, ignoble’, municipal, mutual [15] (from Latin mūtuus ‘exchanged, reciprocal’), the final syllable of common, and probably migrate [17]. Mutate itself comes from Latin mūtāre ‘change’ (source also of English mews and moult), and was preceded into English by some centuries by the derivatives mutable [14] and mutation [14].
=> mews, moult, mutual[mutate etymology, mutate origin, 英语词源]
mutate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to change state or condition," 1818, back-formation from mutation. In genetic sense, 1913, from Latin mutatus, past participle of mutare "to change" (see mutable). Related: Mutated; mutating.