martialyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[martial 词源字典]
martial: [14] Latin mārtiālis denoted ‘of Mars, the god of war’ (his name goes back to an early Latin Māvors). In its journey via Old French to English it acquired the meaning ‘of war’. The application of the name Mars to the red planet dates back to Roman times, as does the adjective Martian [14] (from Latin Mārtiānus), which in modern English refers exclusively to the astronomical Mars. The god also gave his name to the first month of the Roman calendar – whence English March.
=> mars[martial etymology, martial origin, 英语词源]
martial (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., "warlike," from Latin martialis "of Mars or war," from Mars (genitive Martis), Roman god of war; see Mars. Related: Martially. Martial law, "military rule over civilians," first recorded 1530s.