marginyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[margin 词源字典]
margin: [14] Margin comes from margin-, the stem form of Latin margō ‘margin’. This appears to go back to the same ultimate source as English mark (which originally meant ‘boundary’). The now archaic synonym marge [15] was borrowed from the Latin word’s French descendant.
=> march, mark[margin etymology, margin origin, 英语词源]
margin (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-14c., "edge of a sea or lake;" late 14c., "space between a block of text and the edge of a page," from Latin marginem (nominative margo) "edge, brink, border, margin," from PIE *merg- "edge, border, boundary" (see mark (n.1)). General sense of "boundary space; rim or edge of anything" is from late 14c. Meaning "comfort allowance, cushion" is from 1851; margin of safety first recorded 1888. Stock market sense of "sum deposited with a broker to cover risk of loss" is from 1848. Related: Margins.
margin (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1600, "to furnish with marginal notes," from margin (n.). From 1715 as "to furnish with a margin."